Did you know that you can make a few extra dollars by doing a few extra steps when getting ready to sell your home?...
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In California is Title Insurance 100% necessary? Today we have the legend with us, Mr. John Perez. John has been in the title industry for 35 years. He’s an expert in his field. We invited John so he could explain Title Insurance to us....
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It's that time of year again, tax season! Taxes are due April 15th, quick hide! Would you like to know the three best ways you'll be able to maximize your tax season this year?...
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Sometimes you have to have a little fun in what you do.. Today I was thinking about a New Way we can help our clients & what better way to do that than to making someone Smile.. I took our passion & turned it into a song. This song was written not only to entertain our wonderful family & friends but also to put a little Smile on Melisa’s Face. Melisa & I have been working in Real Estate Industry for over a decade & we love helping individuals with their Real Estate......
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The Weather is So Frightful & Home Shopping is So Delightful.. No Worries.. We’re Here For your Rain Or Shine. [videopress BG2mskWX] Whether your looking to Buy or Sell we don’t Let Anything Stop Us.. Being a Licensed Realtor doesn’t necessarily make you a professional. The most popular question we get is do we work past 5pm? The answer is “Yes”..!! We also work Saturday’s if necessary & on special circumstances we’ll even meet on Sundays. We do what we can as long as we have plenty of notice.. With the weather being......
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Your offer on your dream home got accepted...Now What? It's time to get a Home Inspection! In this video Dan is at a Home Inspection with Anthony Morganti. He is the owner of Sure Look Home Inspections. Anthony is a Fire Captain as well as a Home Inspector. That's right I said Fire Captain. Who better to have inspect your new home. He talks about why you should get an inspection, what he inspects and how, and why you should use him....
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